IX International Moscow Finance Conference

Наука 16+

The International College of Economics and Finance and
the International Laboratory of Financial Economics are pleased to invite you
to attend the

XI International Moscow Finance Conference
23-24 October 2020

Opening of the conference: 23 October at 4 pm
Venue: Zoom / Youtube 
Conference Programme

Despite its rather small-scale nature, the International Conference in Financial Economics annually becomes a special event in the academic world. Many of the presented papers are published in top field journals after the Conference. This year eminent researchers will present their work at the Conference, including the presentations by two editors of the leading economics journals – Journal of Financial Economics and Review of Financial Studies.

The conference will run for two days and will be divided into two sections: corporate finance and asset valuation, both in empirical and theoretical directions. This year the agenda of the Conference is Banking.

«I am also engaged in the microstructures of financial markets, and it would be wonderful to hear the young speaker from MIT in this area — Haoxiang Zhu (MIT Sloan School of Management), whom we have been inviting to participate in our Conference for many years. He also conducts research in high frequency trading, which is a very relevant theme nowadays», — Alex Boulatov, Full Professor at ICEF HSE.

SPEAKERS: Toni Whited (University of Michigan), Elena Loutskina (University of Virginia), Itay Goldstein (The Wharton School), José-Luis Peydró (Imperial College London), Kathy Yuan (LSE), Haoxiang Zhu (MIT Sloan School of Management), etc.


1602 дня назад
23 октября 16:00 — 24 октября 2020 22:00

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